7 Reliable Steps To Deter Skunks From Your Home

You know the feeling – that unmistakable stench that infiltrates your home and lingers for days. Skunks, the stealthy creatures that roam the night, can become quite the nuisance if they decide to make your property their own. But fear not, because we have you covered. In this article, we will present you with 7 reliable steps to deter skunks from your home. With these simple yet effective strategies, you’ll be able to reclaim your space and bid farewell to those unwanted visitors. So let’s get started and learn how to keep skunks at bay once and for all.

Identify the Signs of Skunk Activity

Skunks can be a nuisance when they invade your property, but before you can effectively deter them, it’s important to identify the signs of skunk activity. By recognizing these signs, you can take appropriate action to prevent further skunk encounters.

Skunk droppings

One of the most obvious signs of skunk activity is the presence of skunk droppings. Skunk droppings are typically small and tubular in shape, similar to the droppings of a cat. They may contain leftover food particles and have a distinct odor. If you come across skunk droppings in your yard or near your home, it’s a clear indication that skunks have been present.

Pungent odor

Another sign of skunk activity is the pungent odor that skunks emit. Skunks have a strong and unpleasant odor, which they use as a defense mechanism. If you detect a strong, musky smell around your property, especially during the early morning or evening hours when skunks are most active, it’s likely that skunks are near.

Digging in yards

Skunks are known to dig in yards and gardens in search of food. If you find holes or patches of disturbed soil in your yard, it could be a sign of skunk activity. Skunks dig for insects, grubs, and other small creatures, so if you have a lot of surface-level disturbances in your yard, it may be time to take action.

Holes in the ground

Skunks often create burrows or dens in the ground to live in. These burrows can be found under decks, porches, or even in crawl spaces. If you notice any holes or openings in the ground around your property, it could be a sign that skunks have made a home there. Keep an eye out for freshly dug soil or signs of recent activity near these holes.

Remove Attractants from Your Property

Now that you’ve identified the signs of skunk activity, it’s essential to eliminate any attractants that may be drawing them to your property. By removing these attractants, you can discourage skunks from coming back and searching for food and shelter.

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Secure trash cans

Skunks are opportunistic feeders and will gladly rummage through your garbage in search of a meal. To prevent skunks from accessing your trash, make sure to secure your trash cans with tight-fitting lids or invest in animal-proof containers. This will reduce the chances of skunks being attracted to your property in the first place.

Remove pet food and water sources

Leaving pet food or water dishes outside can also attract skunks. If you have pets that eat or drink outside, be sure to bring their dishes indoors at night. Skunks are nocturnal creatures, so removing these food and water sources after dark will decrease the likelihood of skunk activity on your property.

Trim shrubs and bushes

Skunks are attracted to areas with dense vegetation, as it provides them with hiding spots and potential food sources. To deter skunks, regularly trim your shrubs and bushes to reduce the amount of cover available. By creating a more open and exposed environment, you’ll make your property less attractive to skunks.

Remove fallen fruits and vegetables

If you have fruit trees or a vegetable garden, fallen fruits and vegetables can be a magnet for skunks. These scavengers have a keen sense of smell and will happily consume any ripe or rotting produce they come across. To prevent skunks from being drawn to your property, promptly remove any fallen fruits or vegetables and dispose of them properly.

Seal Off Entry Points

Once you’ve eliminated the attractants, it’s crucial to seal off any potential entry points that skunks could use to gain access to your property or home. By blocking their entryways, you can effectively prevent skunks from entering and causing further damage.

Inspect the perimeter of your home

Take the time to thoroughly inspect the perimeter of your home for any gaps, holes, or cracks that could serve as entry points for skunks. Check areas such as foundation vents, utility openings, and gaps beneath doors or windows. By identifying these potential entry points, you can take appropriate measures to seal them off and prevent skunks from getting inside.

Cover openings under decks and porches

Skunks are known to seek shelter under decks, porches, and other structures. To prevent skunks from nesting in these areas, cover any openings that could serve as access points. Use wire mesh or other suitable materials to block off the spaces beneath these structures, making it difficult for skunks to enter.

Install mesh or fencing around crawl spaces

Crawl spaces are another favorite hiding spot for skunks, as they provide shelter and protection. To deter skunks from entering crawl spaces, install mesh or fencing around the perimeter. This will create a barrier that prevents skunks from gaining access while still allowing for proper ventilation.

Repair any damaged vents or screens

Skunks can squeeze through small openings, so it’s important to repair any damaged vents or screens on your property. Ensure that windows, doors, and other openings are properly sealed to prevent skunks from finding their way in. By keeping your property well-maintained and secure, you can greatly reduce the chances of skunk activity.

Use Odor Repellents

Skunks have a keen sense of smell, and certain odors can act as effective repellents. By using odor repellents, you can discourage skunks from approaching your property or areas of concern.

Ammonia-soaked rags

Skunks find the strong scent of ammonia unpleasant. You can soak rags in ammonia and place them strategically around your property to deter skunks. Focus on areas where skunks have been active or where you want to prevent their presence. Remember to reapply the ammonia as it evaporates to maintain its effectiveness.

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Predator urine

Another effective odor repellent is predator urine, such as that of a coyote or fox. Skunks are instinctively afraid of larger predators and will generally avoid areas where their scent is present. Predatory urine can be purchased at many garden supply stores and should be applied according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Skunk-specific repellents

There are also commercially available skunk-specific repellents that are designed to deter skunks from your property. These repellents typically contain natural ingredients that emit odors skunks find offensive. Follow the instructions on the product packaging to effectively use these repellents and discourage skunks from approaching.

Electronic repellent devices

Electronic repellent devices emit high-frequency sounds that are irritating to skunks and other pests. These devices can be installed around your property, emitting sounds that are inaudible to humans but highly disruptive to skunks. Consider using these electronic repellent devices in areas where skunk activity has been observed to discourage their presence.

Install Motion-Activated Lights and Sprinklers

Skunks are nocturnal creatures and prefer dark, undisturbed areas. By increasing visibility around your property and creating sudden bursts of water, you can startle skunks and make your property less appealing to them.

Increase visibility around your property

Skunks are less likely to approach well-lit areas, as they prefer darkness for their nocturnal activities. Install motion-activated lights around the perimeter of your home, focusing on areas where skunk activity has been observed. This will deter skunks from approaching and make your property less attractive to them.

Startle skunks with sudden bursts of water

Skunks are generally not fond of water, and a sudden burst from a motion-activated sprinkler system can startle and deter them from your property. Install sprinklers in areas where skunks have been seen or areas of concern. When the motion sensor is triggered, the sprinklers will activate and release water, making skunks think twice about staying.

Create a less attractive environment for skunks

Skunks are attracted to areas where they can find food, water, and shelter. By implementing the above measures and creating a less attractive environment, you can effectively deter skunks from your property. Remove any potential food sources, eliminate hiding spots, and make your property less appealing overall.

Create Physical Barriers

Physical barriers can serve as an effective deterrent against skunks by preventing them from accessing specific areas of your property.

Install an underground barrier

Skunks are skilled diggers and can easily find their way under fences or barriers. To prevent this, consider installing an underground barrier. Dig a trench around the perimeter of the area you want to protect and bury a mesh barrier several feet deep. This will deter skunks from digging and gaining access to your property.

Use mesh fencing or chicken wire

Mesh fencing or chicken wire can be used to create a physical barrier around vulnerable areas. Install the fencing or chicken wire around areas such as gardens, compost piles, or areas where skunks have been frequently sighted. Ensure that the fencing is buried several inches into the ground to prevent skunks from burrowing underneath.

Set up barriers around potential vulnerable areas

Identify areas on your property that are particularly vulnerable to skunk activity, such as crawl spaces or openings beneath sheds. Set up barriers, such as wire mesh or fencing, to seal off these areas. Make sure the barriers are sturdy and properly installed to effectively deter skunks.

Seal off access to crawl spaces

Crawl spaces are enticing hiding spots for skunks, so it’s important to seal them off to prevent skunks from entering. Use wire mesh or other suitable materials to cover crawl space vents and openings. This will create a barrier that prevents skunks from nesting in these areas and accessing your property.

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Repel Skunks with Natural Remedies

If you prefer to use natural remedies, there are several substances that skunks find repellent and can help deter them from your property.

Citrus peels

Skunks dislike the smell of citrus. Collect citrus peels, such as those from oranges or lemons, and scatter them around areas where skunk activity has been observed. Replace the peels regularly to maintain their effectiveness and keep skunks at bay.


As mentioned earlier, skunks find the strong smell of ammonia unpleasant. You can dilute ammonia in water and spray it around your property, focusing on areas of concern. However, be cautious when using ammonia, as it can be harmful to plants and other animals. Use it sparingly and according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Cayenne pepper

Cayenne pepper is another natural substance that skunks find distasteful. Mix cayenne pepper with water and spray it around your property, paying particular attention to skunk activity areas. This will create an uncomfortable environment for skunks and deter them from approaching.


While mothballs can be effective at repelling skunks, they should be used with caution. Mothballs contain toxic chemicals that can be harmful to humans and other animals. If you choose to use mothballs, place them in a location where children and pets cannot access them, and follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully.

Remove Potential Shelter for Skunks

Skunks seek shelter in areas with dense vegetation and places where they can hide. By removing potential shelter, you can discourage skunks from choosing your property as their nesting site.

Trim back overgrown vegetation

Regularly trim back overgrown vegetation, such as bushes and shrubs, to create a less appealing environment for skunks. Pay attention to areas near your home, as skunks may seek shelter under decks, porches, or other structures with dense vegetation. By reducing the amount of cover available, you make your property less inviting to skunks.

Clear out brush piles

Skunks are known to take refuge in brush piles or stacks of wood. Remove any brush piles or debris from your property that could serve as potential shelter for skunks. By clearing out these hiding spots, you decrease the chances of skunk activity on your property.

Remove woodpiles or debris

Similar to brush piles, woodpiles and debris can provide ideal shelter for skunks. If you have a woodpile or debris on your property, store it away from your home and any areas where skunks have been sighted. By removing these potential shelter spots, you reduce the likelihood of skunks taking up residence on your property.

Use Traps and Repellents

If other deterrent methods have not been successful, you may need to use traps or commercial skunk repellents to address the skunk problem on your property.

Humane live traps

Humane live traps can be used to capture skunks for relocation. Set up the trap in an area where skunk activity has been observed and bait it with skunk-friendly food, such as canned cat food or sunflower seeds. Once captured, release the skunk in a suitable habitat far away from your property.

Commercial skunk repellents

If you prefer not to handle traps or attempt capture on your own, there are commercial skunk repellents available that can help deter skunks. These repellents typically contain ingredients that create an uncomfortable environment for skunks, making them less likely to stay on your property. Follow the instructions on the product packaging to effectively use these repellents.

Seek Professional Help

If you’ve tried various deterrent methods and the skunk problem persists, it may be time to seek professional help.

Contact a wildlife control expert

A wildlife control expert specializes in dealing with skunks and other nuisance wildlife. They have the knowledge and experience to safely and effectively handle skunk infestations. Contact a wildlife control expert in your area to assess the skunk problem and provide appropriate solutions.

Hire a professional pest control service

If you prefer a comprehensive approach to skunk removal and prevention, consider hiring a professional pest control service. Pest control professionals are trained to deal with a wide range of pest issues, including skunks. They can assess your property, implement effective deterrence strategies, and provide ongoing monitoring to ensure skunks stay away.

In conclusion, deterring skunks from your property requires a combination of identifying the signs of skunk activity, removing attractants, sealing off potential entry points, using odor repellents, installing motion-activated lights and sprinklers, creating physical barriers, using natural remedies, removing potential shelter, and utilizing traps and repellents. By following these reliable steps and seeking professional help when needed, you can successfully deter skunks and maintain a skunk-free environment on your property. Remember to always prioritize safety and humane methods when dealing with skunks and other wildlife.